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We are able to then take the racist American Govt ahead of the Environment Court docket and have the racists in it exposed and condemned as being the criminals that they're. —Malcolm X[298]

When Malcolm was 6, his father died in what has long been formally dominated a streetcar accident, even though his mother Louise believed Earl were murdered because of the Black Legion. Rumors that White racists had been accountable for his father's Dying ended up broadly circulated and had been extremely disturbing to Malcolm X as a child. Being an adult, he expressed conflicting beliefs on the dilemma.

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In 1955, Betty Sanders achieved Malcolm X immediately after among his lectures, then again in a dinner bash; quickly she was regularly attending his lectures. In 1956, she joined the Country of Islam, switching her title Remipoker to Betty X.

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Though the civil rights motion fought in opposition to racial segregation, Malcolm X advocated the complete separation of African Us residents from Whites. He proposed that African Us citizens must return to Africa Which, while in the interim, a separate state for Black people in the united states needs to be established.[114][one hundred fifteen] He turned down the civil rights movement's strategy of nonviolence, arguing that Black men and women should defend and progress them selves "by any implies vital".

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